Not Sure What To Call This One…

☆ Metaphysical / Spiritual ☆

I’ve been told a number of times that I am too agreeable. And yesterday a friend shared with me her thoughts, she said I should say what I think more often. Some of this is true, maybe it must be, as I hear it so often?

I responded by letting her know that I try and find something to agree about. I don’t agree for the sake of agreeing, I keep quiet on the things I disagree about, and chime in when I do agree. I also added that when I am quiet, which is often, it is because I think that what many say, think and do is crap. I said that I think that people are lazy, lazy to learn genuinely, lazy to be curious, and spend their time on much that has very little value, to try and convince them otherwise may not be worth it?

If by chance I sound like a know it all, another reason I am often quiet is that when we are on a journey of enlightenment, learning and growing, we learn how little we know even when we think we know, so I try to be still, quiet sometime, and open to learning…

But folks don’t shut up, they are confident in their ignorance. They are narrow minded and uncurious…

We do dumb stuff like watch way too much tv (I know I do) and spend lots of money, time, and energy on texting, cruising the net and social media while ignoring the people at our dinner table, sitting next to us on the sofa, snuggling near us in bed…

This leaves me speechless, I appear to agree, when I am simply at a loss for words.

I ask you, does it makes sense to say all that I have said here, of just be kind and smile, for maybe it’s not worth it…



I feel like the Angels are giving me guidance on this one…

it’s a strange, beautiful sensation, to have something on heart and mind,

and to be getting messages throughout the day…

I am thankful.

This, came to me, just now…

Be humble, but don’t shrink yourself down to the bone. Be brave. Be kind. Be understanding. There’s a lot ahead of you. Use your head alongside your heart. Be kind. Be mindful of the way you speak to others and the impact you have on their lives. Be kind. Everyone is fighting a hard battle. Be kind. And don’t be ashamed to color outside the lines. ~Keaton Webb